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distant, home and starter signals
SHS signal video
Rob McCrain describes the SHS signal circuit on his Farland Howe N scale layout in this video.

Station Signal Control for Model Railways
Azatrax SHS control circuit

One SHS circuit operates starter, home and distant signals on one track at a model railway station.
Signal operation follows typical UK railway practice and of railways that derived their operations from the British, such as Australia and New Zealand.
Infrared (IR) train detection eliminates the need for insulated rail gaps and resistor wheel sets.
station signals, 1-way
Signal installation for 1-way rail traffic station signals, bi-directional
Signal installation for 2-way rail traffic
TS3 block signal circuit
SHS circuit for starter and home signal control.
SHS installation guide [pdf]
How to install the IR sensors

Includes two IR sensor sets, one set with 2-ft (60cm) wire leads
and one set with 6-ft (180cm) wire leads
The SHS requires a 9-16 volt power source, AC or DC.
Toggle or push button switches are suggested, see pg 4 of the SHS installation guide.
Station signal operation with the Azatrax SHS:
track is clear
1. When the station is clear, distant and home signals show green and the starter signal is red.
initial approach
2. The locomotive trips the approach sensor. Distant signal changes to yellow, home signal changes to red.
approaching the station
3. After the end of the train clears the approach sensor, a timer on the SHS circuit starts running. The train is expected to stop for the red starter signal.
cleared to depart
4. Once the timer expires (20 or 40 seconds, user selectable) the starter signal changes to green.
A push button or toggle switch may be used to clear the starter signal early, or to hold it red indefinitely (switches not included).
leaving the station
5. The train leaves the station. When the locomotive trips the departure sensor, the starter signal changes to red.
track is clear
6. Five seconds after the end of the train clears the departure sensor, the distant and home signals change to green.
The next train is cleared to enter the station.

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